Advocacy Project Case Study: Equal Iraq
Serene Communications consulted on a project to support development in Iraq.
The ICGJI seeks to uphold the rule of law, increase awareness of international agreements regarding women, support the participation of women in the legal system with in Iraq and ensure the voice of women is heard through all possible means.
The International Coordination for Gender Justice in Iraq (ICGJI) seeks to work with like minded organisations and individuals who are working for gender justice in Iraq based on respect for human life and human dignity; coordinating such efforts and working together with diverse partners on common issues.
Aims and Objectives
The International Coordination for Gender Justice in Iraq (ICGJI) aims:
- To develop a strongly functioning group of diverse organisations and individuals, with a robust seat in Iraqi women’s groups in Iraq linked to support from the Diaspora and other networks working together in areas of common interest and in aligned areas.
- To establish a strongly functioning Steering Group of interested organisations and individuals who meet quarterly to agree overall direction and policy.
- To establish an effective Executive Group as the key individuals within the organisation Steering Committee meeting regularly to take the body of work forward.
- To register the organisation and establish administrative ability to ensure a sustainable future.
- To develop ‘partnership’ work with like-minded organisations.
- To provide training, communications, capacity building and administrative support to all sectors in Iraq to ensure women’s human rights are advanced through the legal process.
- To raise awareness through lobbying, publicity and media campaigns.
- To ensure training of all sectors takes place effectively bearing in mind that training of judges is the aspect of training currently in progress.
- To ensure the creation and widespread report of amicus briefs to be presented to the Iraq High Tribunal.
- To ensure relevant documentation is created and disseminated appropriately to assist it the project.
- To ensure funding is in place to sustain this project over time.
- To lobby government as necessary to ensure gender justice is established and maintained in Iraq.
- To celebrate achievements in Iraq.
- To provide a forum for the voice of Iraqi women survivors in Iraq and throughout the world.
- To work with other Iraqi groups in Europe and elsewhere for the above aims and objectives
Women’s Alliance for a Democratic Iraq
Economical and Political Empowerment of Women in Iraq
ICGJI submission to the Iraq Commision
Report on APG Meeting – Implementing 1325
Parliamentarians’ Briefing – VAW Impunity in Iraq & Burma
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