Social media plays an increasingly important role in the way organisations interact with their clients, partners and the public. 1 in every 7 people on the planet has a Facebook account and 30% of them use is regularly. Effective use of social networks like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn allow you to reach out to new clients, develop deeper relationships with partners and communication openly with the public.
Social Media Strategy
We help our clients by creating a customised social media strategy, analysing your current position, presenting a realistic vision for where you could be, and detailing a step-by-step guide to help you get there. Our strategies recommended media channels, highlight suitable keywords to focus on and list relevant media tools such as Google Analytics and Brinx for more effective interaction.
Social Media Setup
Once you have a clear media strategy, we can initial the process by setting up all the social media profiles and accounts you require. This will include designing your Facebook and Twitter pages to project a professional image. We will also link your accounts through tools like Hootsuite to enable you to update them all simultaneously. In a word, a complete installation of all the social media channels you will need.
We cover all social media channels including:
Social and professional networks: Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn
Video sharing: YouTube, Vimeo
Image sharing: Pinterest, Flickr
Blogging and Forums: WordPress, Blogger
News sharing: Reddit, Digg
Social Media Training
We can help your media team develop the skills needed to put into practise your strategy and use social media effectively. The training is a hands-on practical skills course in all relevant channels and media tools so that your team will be able to use them all effectively to execute your strategy. The training is suitable for both social media novices with very basic computer skills to those with a fair understanding of this area.