First and foremost, I would like to thank Serene Communications for organising and facilitating the visit to UN Geneva. A special thanks to Zarin Hainsworth and Soroush Fadaei for being incredible guides through the fantastic experience.
During my time in Geneva, I grew so much as an individual. The experience enabled me to find my voice and voice my opinions. The prior mentoring and guidance on behalf of Zarin and Soroush made the public speaking element that much more comfortable for myself and everyone else on the trip. Gaining so much knowledge on the important issues covered during the trip proved to be incredibly beneficial even as I returned to my community and shared my knowledge with others who were interested. Specifically, the emotional and captivating event on Female Genital Mutilation was eye-opening on so many different levels and I couldn’t be more grateful to Serene, Zarin Hainsworth and Soroush Fadaei for providing me with the wonderful opportunity to be a part of it. I became so inspired and empowered after meeting members of the Human Rights Council. Meeting the representative of Poland was most memorable for me personally due to my Polish origin, as well as the representative of Samoa due to my huge interest in the culture.
I wouldn’t have been able to accomplish what I did on a personal, social and community level without the contribution of everyone involved in the trip. I would like to extend my thanks to everyone involved.