This event will explore 3 identified pillars for effective smart diplomacy: Digital Capabilities, Multi-stakeholders Diplomacy and Feminist Diplomacy. It is a diplomacy far beyond what is traditional and is defined as smart power put into practice. The event continues a series of events addressing patterns of diplomacy in the 21st century. It will run as a consultation of the 3 pillars the concept of smart diplomacy.
Our director Zarin Hainsworth, OBE, has been asked to speak at the event on feminist diplomacy. Other speakers include: Indra Adnan, psychotherapist, consultant and founder of Soft Power Network; Jonathan McClory, Partner, Portland Communication and author of The Soft Power 30 report; Alisa Lockwood, Head of Europe/CIS at IHS; Professor Michael Cox, Director of LSE IDEAS and Professor of International Relations at LSE; Eleanor Stewart, Head of Transparency, the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
It is taking place on: 16th November, 10am-1pm.
Location: 11th floor, 6 Mitre Passage, Peninsula Square, London SE10 0ER
For more information and to book onto the event: